Monday, February 15, 2010


There is a movement sweeping across this nation, and its name is Sven Kramer.

Have you heard of him?

That's more than one NBC reporter can say, who, right after he'd won the gold, asked Sven in an interview to state his name, nationality, and place he finished.

To which Sven adroitly responded "Are you stupid?"

Right, so Sven is not the best role model for tact, but a few of my history classmates got quite the kick out of telling me that story. "It's like if a reporter from the Netherlands would not know Apolo Ohno, or the star player from the Super Bowl!" Right, right, so NBC has...issues. It doesn't mean that anyone over here is any less Sven-crazed.

For example, Eva told me that 5 million people watched Sven race live. In a country with a population of 16 million.

Also, some have taken to calling the Olympic Games "Sven-couver."

And are you wondering what the bread in that earlier picture has to do with anything? Watch this commercial for "Svenergy." No, please, really do watch it, it's hilarious.

If that's not bad enough, is his fan-page, complete with a cheering soundtrack and a Svenfan-counter keeping track of his Svenfans.

Maybe I should get a Sven poster for my room?


  1. Wow! That's crazy. Can you understand/speak Dutch? That went right over my head. No one in Chile seems to care much about the Olympics, just soccer and the future World Cup.

  2. Most of the commercial/website went over my head too! I know the tiniest, smallest bit of Dutch, but it seems like everyone here knows English. And I'm not sure they care about any of the rest of the Olympics, just Sven :)
