Sunday, February 28, 2010

One Month Down

Our group left Grand Rapids on January 28, and arrived in Amsterdam on January 29. Since today is the 28th of February, and we have no 29th this year, I consider today to be our one-month anniversary in Amsterdam! Woohoo!

How does it feel to have been here for one month? Exciting. Sad. Weird. A lot of things. In some ways it feels like I have been here forever, and in some ways it feels like it's been a week. Maybe the weirdest thing is that I know I have four months here, and now...well, now I have three months left. The semester is going by VERY fast.

But it is not horrible to have been here a month either, because I can think about how far I've come since that rainy day when we stepped off the plane. I've pretty much mastered the basic things like getting to class, buying groceries, and using the transit system. I've met people, gone places, done exciting things. As far as months go, February has been a great one.

Thinking about my "routine" now has reminded me that it has become far too much of a routine for me. At the beginning of the semester, I had grand plans to blog about the VU's campus, grocery shopping, all sorts of other aspects of daily life, but then I started doing them too much and forgot that they could be exciting. Now I realize that I have yet to blog about them! So the blogging theme for this week is going to be what I do on the days that I'm not going to museums, restaurants, or other cities. Which is really 90% of my time.

Anyway, happy 28th of February to everyone, and here's to a great month of March! I'm hoping for warmer weather in March and some visible signs of spring. I have my last four weeks of a cushy class schedule in March and then my history exam. Then comes a short but sa-WEET Spring Break. Then my first Biology class! I know many of you readers have excellent plans for March as well, for winter break at SCS, spring break at Calvin, or anywhere else. ENJOY YOURSELVES! And I'll talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I mentioned the very same feeling about how time flies and yet you still feel like you haven't been there long in my blog. I feel the same way about my routine being a bit too routine-y. Have you had any homesickness or feelings of culture shock yet? As one of my professors put it, the first few weeks are the "honeymoon stage" then the culture shock sets in. Glad you're having a great time!
