Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mijn kamer

I realized that I haven't put up pictures of my room yet, so I just finished some general cleaning-up to get things picture-ready. As I looked around, I also realized that someone has not been getting a lot of screen time lately. He desperately wanted to get off my bookshelf, and so here to give you a brief tour is the man himself:

Obama was happy to be back in Europe again, and eager to begin forging relationships with the Dutch community. He was generally happy with the housing arrangements made for him. Sure, it's not the East Room, but it will do. Here is is in the entryway; closets are to the viewer's right, and the bathroom to the left.

A good thing about this room is that the closets are quite spacious.

Now for a quick spin-around look at the entire room:

Obama shows where the door is to the balcony, which would have a nice view if it weren't dark. Maybe another time.

The lovely green chair in the corner:

Here Obama displays some of the foodstuffs available at the Super deBoer, such as pindakaas, goudse kaas, roomboter, and Special Flakes.

Obama appreciates the Super deBoer, and all other grocery stores in Amsterdam, for practicing the green habit of using only reusable bags.

Obama hopes that the pindakaas will be eaten up very soon so that these office supplies will have a jar to be stored in.

Yes, the calendar really does say that Tacoma is the London of the West! Obama will have to visit Tacoma to make the comparison.

Finally, the bathroom. The shower curtain is partially drawn to fully emphasize the fact that, yes, the toilet is in the shower.

Obama with a few more items from Super deBoer!

So there you go! I hope you enjoyed this short trip around my room. It's really very nice, and I am finally feeling settled in after six or so days of putting stuff up, putting stuff away, etc.

Obama enjoyed the tour as well, even if it wasn't in a very exciting location. Don't worry, though, he will have plenty to look forward to this weekend ;)

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