Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympische Spelen

Today's blog post is brought to you by the Olympic Games. Not just Sven Kramer this time because, believe it or not, Netherlands, there is more to the Olympics that just Sven. I thought I'd share a few things with you that I am learning:

1) Not knowing the language of the announcers is not that much of an impediment to understanding what's going on. You can look at the flags and rankings and get pretty much the whole story. The announcers never have much to say anyway.

2) No NBC here. The Olympics are shown on at least three channels, sometimes more. The two that I like most are both in Dutch (some others are French, Spanish, or German), and they are NOS and EuroSport.

3) I'm actually watching quite a few things live! Things that happen in Vancouver in the morning/afternoon are on in the evening/early morning hours here, which is great for me since I am a night owl who currently doesn't have any early classes to wake up for.

4) Before you all get jealous that I've escaped tape delay, remember that live means REAL TIME. Last night there was an hour delay between speed skating rounds so they could Zamboni the ice. I guess we all have it rough :)

5) And finally, my new favorite part of the Olympics is, kind of sadly, watching the bloopers montage on EuroSport. Everyday they come up with new clips of people falling/weird fans that they put to music. And there's a new one EVERY DAY! To give you an example, yesterday they showed skiers falling to the Super Mario Bros. soundtrack. Hehe.

Ok, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's funny. Here, to give you a better idea of what the clips are like, here's a link to a video they did for the 2006 Olympics.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!


  1. The zamboni delay was due to the fact that the Z was "green". The driver from Highlands Ice Arena said in an interview today that those things don't work right. The Olympic officials found a new one in Calgary that they trucked over. You'd think the Northwest would have had a closer zamboni?

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