Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yum, yum, yum

First of all, thank you to everyone who has voted for my haiku so far! The poll will be up until Thursday, so refer to the previous post if you have the urge to go read them all again before then :)

Second, I took my Democratization exam today.


Don't want to talk about it. It is over, I will get my grade when I get my grade, and we will go from there. As you can maybe tell, the exam was not a pleasant experience for me (are exams ever pleasant?), and rather than dwelling on it I am going to move on with life and think about something else. Something like this:


1) Stroopwafels

Only one food deserves the place at the top of this list, and that is the mighty stroopwafel. Deliciously crispy on the outside and scrumptiously gooey on the inside, stroopwafels make a great snack any time of day or night. They are perfectly shaped to place over your mug of coffee, which will slightly melt the snack's sugary center (but be careful not to leave it on too long or it will get soggy!). Others from the Calvin group have agreed that we will need to start a Stroopwafels Anonymous at Calvin next year to deal with being away from a constant supply of the Dutch's finest gift to mankind.

Can you tell that I love them? I brought along an extra bag to help take stuff back at the end of the semester, and I know now what it will be filled with...

2) Hopjes

These are candies with the creamy smoothness of a Werther's original caramel but COFFEE flavored. A package or two of hopjes will have to find a way into my stroopwafel bag.

3) Vla

Vla ("fla") is not as gross as its name makes it sound. It tastes like pudding, but it comes in cartons like milk, hence it is more pourable. As you can tell from the picture above, vla comes in any flavor you could desire.

4) Pannekoeken

Lighter than an American pancake but heavier than a crepe (and not eggy), pannekoeken can be savory and sweet, either way being delicious.

Any other delicious Dutch sweets that you think I've missed? Sadly the salted licorice have not made it to the list...yet. I have yet to be convinced. But who knows what tomorrow will bring?

1 comment:

  1. I found stroopwalfels at Hillcrest Bakery in Bothell today. They were imported, not fresh (the package date was July 7, 2010!), but they were still quite delicious.
