Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A shameless plug!!!!!!

Some of you may have watched the Office last week and heard the phrase "Hope grows in a dump." Well, my favorite Office fan website, Officetally.com, is having a haiku contest for haikus that use the phrase "Hope grows in a dump" as their last line. I entered a haiku, and MINE IS ONE OF THE TOP TEN FINALISTS! If I win, I get a free Office calendar!

So please, if you feel so inclined, follow the link and vote for my haiku in the poll! Every time you go to the page, the order of the poll switches, but my haiku is #71, has my name in the front, and goes like this:

Beets grow on a farm
with its own crossbow range, but
hope grows in a dump.

I know this is shameless exploitation of you, my beloved blog readers, but I don't care! I made it into an Office-themed haiku contest for crying out loud, how cool is that?!

Here's the link: