Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let's get this going again!

Hi again! Wow, this blogging thing has been very confusing. So far I have:
-switched from Blogspot to Travellerspoint because Blogspot doesn't work in China
-switched from Travellerspoint to Weebly because Travellerspoint doesn't upload photos in China
-updated my Weebly blog very, very rarely because the internet in China was slow, and because I didn't have time to wait for it
-switched BACK to my tried-and-true Blogspot blog because guess what?! Weebly makes you PAY if you want to upload videos! I know, I was outraged, too. Which is why I made the final decision to switch back to this blog, where videos and pictures exist in perfect, free harmony.

SO if you would like to read the pathetically-few blog entries that I wrote while in China, I will leave them up in a permanent archive at

BUT I will also start from nearly the beginning in sharing my adventures here, and I promise, promise, promise that, starting today, you will get a new post every day until I am finished. I am ready for this blogging thing to happen successfully once and for all! Enough switching, enough slow uploading of photos, enough paying for videos, enough! It took until now for things to become this awesome, but awesome they will be.

Okay, I am putting this up in order to start on another post. Happy reading! I sincerely hope you enjoy it, at least a little. I know it is less exciting to read a blog about something that already happened instead of something that is currently happening, but what can you do. I will try my best with what I've still got -- and with 1137 pictures of the trip, I think I've still got a lot.


P.S. This is the first day since we got back that I have managed to stay awake all afternoon! Jet lag, be gone!

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